Friday, April 24, 2015

Fruits & Vegetables


I'm updating this blog less than I should so far...But now's the time to get it on track and update it regularly :) For this post I wanted to make a short vocabulary list. I like the idea of starting with vocabulary early, since I find it one of the most (if not the most) fundamental parts of any language. After all, even if your grammar isn't great, you can usually communicate by stringing together some basic words to bring your message across. My first vocabulary list will have the names of a few fruits and vegetables. There will be future posts about actual food and meals, and of course many other topics!

When it comes to the kana, there's only two loan words on the list, which are orange (オレンジ) and banana (バナナ), which explains why they're spelled in katakana.

I hope to will add one vocabulary list per week besides other types of posts, along with some notes on the words or topic. But for now,


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